Man claims to have had no food or drink for 70 years
There are few people, however busy their lives, unable to remember the last meal that they consumed. But Prahlad Jani is one of them.
And the reason is that the last morsel of food that he says passed his lips did so in the early years of World War II.
‘I can’t recall exactly what it was,’ the 82-year-old Indian admits. ‘It was such a long time ago.’
During the 70-odd years since, Mr Jani says he has eaten not so much as a single grain of rice nor consumed a drop of water. And while such an extended gap between meals might be expected to have a fatal impact on the activities of one so deprived, this
There are few people, however busy their lives, unable to remember the last meal that they consumed. But Prahlad Jani is one of them.
And the reason is that the last morsel of food that he says passed his lips did so in the early years of World War II.
‘I can’t recall exactly what it was,’ the 82-year-old Indian admits. ‘It was such a long time ago.’
During the 70-odd years since, Mr Jani says he has eaten not so much as a single grain of rice nor consumed a drop of water. And while such an extended gap between meals might be expected to have a fatal impact on the activities of one so deprived, this