May 17, 2017

Health Benifits of Copper Vessel Water

Health Benifits of Copper Vessel Water
During my childhood days I remember my grandma storing water in a copper vessel overnight.  She would have us drink it first thing in the morning, claiming that the water was extremely healthy for the mind and body.  Now when I see these ancient customs re-emerging, I look back and think, I should have taken my grandma’s advice seriously.
Copper is considered an essential mineral for our body.  Ayurveda recommends storing water overnight in a copper jug and drinking it first thing in the morning for maintaining good health.  The water stored this way is called ‘Tamra Jal’ and it helps to balance all three doshas (Kapha, Vata and Pitta.)
The metal copper has electromagnetic energy which is called Prana Shakti. Drinking water that is stored for 8-10 hours in a copper vessel is very beneficial.  Copper makes the water ionic which helps to maintain body’s pH (acid-alkaline) balance.

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